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My Mission

To create a safe and inclusive space where you can take the necessary time to focus on yourself and for everyone to have access to the benefits of yoga and sound healing.

Yoga for Everyone

It isn’t about being perfect; it isn’t about comparing; it isn’t even about doing postures.


Yoga is union. It is about how your body feels, not how it looks.


It teaches you to keep calm through difficult times, remain balanced and focussed in everything that you do and to use the calmness and mental strength gained on the mat to approach every-day life.


Real yoga happens after you leave the yoga class; it is in your thoughts, your interactions and your intentions.


Yoga Child's Pose


What is the first thought that comes to mind when you hear ‘yoga’?


Maybe it’s a headstand or a handstand, or someone twisting themselves into what looks like an impossible position.


Maybe you think of it as purely exercise, for the fit and strong.


It could be some sort of spiritual figure that you see, living alone in the woods or up the mountains and spending all their time practicing yoga and meditating.


Or maybe you picture someone with lots of free time and minimal responsibilities that lives an easy life by the ocean but you aren’t so sure how they afford to do so.



More often than not, what you associate with ‘yoga’ is something that seems so distant from yourself, simply not possible to do with the life that you lead, or that it is not for people like you. When in reality, yoga is for everyone. Everybody, every ability, every shape. Yoga is for anyone. My mission is to ensure that everyone in my yoga class feels included, accepted and positive.

My Journey with Yoga

I have attended many yoga classes all over the world and going to yoga classes is one of my favourite things to do. I love experiencing different teachers styles and continuously learning from others.


But that doesn’t mean I’ve loved every class.


For me, yoga is more than just exercise – it is a way of connecting with yourself, and I want to leave a yoga class feeling good.


It was during an intense, exercise focussed class that I had the lightbulb moment. I noticed people around me that had given up, and I left feeling disheartened.


I knew then that I had something positive to bring to the yoga community and this is why inclusivity is so important to me. I want you to leave all of my sessions feeling lighter, brighter, understanding yourself a little more, and with the tools to take on life with ease and positivity.


Yoga has transformed the way I think, the way I react and the way I see the world. It has also helped me balance my hormones, improve my overall fitness and generally feel happier and healthier. I want this for you too.

Since you've made it this far...

I invite you to take the time right now to set a positive intention for the next 24 hours:




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